Taken in the gardens of Casa Loma


Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays with Morrie

Ali, Ayaan Hirsi - Infidel

Amos, Gary - Never Before in History

Armstrong, Aaron - Awaiting a Savior

Aristotle - On Sophistical Refutations

Bastiat, Frederic - Economic Sophisms

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln - How To Analyze People On Sight

Cahill, Thomas - How the Irish Saved Civilization

Carson, Clarence B. - Basic American Government

Chesterton, G. K. - Alarms And Discursions

Chesterton, G. K. - Everlasting Man

Chesterton, G. K. - Heretics

Chesterton, G. K. - The Innocense of Father Brown

Chesterton, G. K. - Orthodoxy

Chesterton, G. K. - The Wisdom of Father Brown

DaVinci, Leonardo - Thoughts On Art And Life

Devlin, Keith - The Unfinished Game

Elder, Larry - The Ten Things You Can't Say in America

Eldridge, John - Sacred Romance

Elliot, Elisabeth - Shadow of the Almighty

Gladwell, Malcolm - Outliers

Griffin, John Howard - Black Like Me

Hankins, Barry - The Second Great Awakening and the Transcendentalists

Harvey, Robert - Maverick Military Leaders

Hayek, Friedrich von - The Road to Serfdom

Hazlitt, Henry - The Critics of Keynesian Economics

Hybles, Bill - Axioms

Jamison, Leslie - The Empathy Exams: Essays

Keller, Tim - A Reason for God

Keller, Tim - Counterfit Gods

Keller, Tim - Prodigal God

Keynes, John Maynard - The General Theory

Keynes, John Maynard - Tract on Monetary Reform

Keynes, John Maynard - Treatise on Money

Kidder, Tracy - Mountains Beyond Mountains

Klein, Edward - The Amature

Knox, Robert - An Historical Account of the Island Ceylon

Kramnick, Isaac - The Godless Constitution

Lewis, C.S. - The Great Divorce

Leyner, Mark - Why do Men Have Nipples?

Loewen, James W. - Lies My Teacher Told Me

Machiavelli, Nicolo - The Prince

MacLeod, Hugh - Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity

Minear, Richard H. - Dr. Suess Went to War

Mises, Ludwig von - Human Action

Moran, Caitlin - How to Be a Woman

Perrine, Laurence - Sound and Sense

Piegl, Les A. - NURBS

Piper, John - Desiring God

Pirsig, Robert M. - Zen and the art of Motorcycle Repair

Plato - Charmides

Pugsley, John A. - The Alpha Strategy

Richardson, Don - Eternity in their Hearts

Smith, Adam - An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations

Thomas, Major Ian - If I Perish, I Perish

Thomas, Major Ian - The Saving Life of Christ

Tsu, Sun - The Art of War

Turner, Stansfield - Burn Before Reading

Tzonis, Alexander - Santiago Calatrava, The Complete Works

Walls, Andrew - The Missionary Movement in Christian History

Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Tractatus Logico Philosophicus

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